in the library, a secret tunnel

In the library
behind books never lent
there is a secret tunnel leading to
different places and times.

However, this being a library, this discovery has never been discussed.

Attempts to share secret are meet with a finger to the lip and a ssshhhhh from the hatchet faced librarian.


  1. eatmorewords

    Tied tubes increased risk of salty backwash
    the weakness of the dam exposed
    fear of a deluge of
    elephant pissing in polystyrene
    diamond sharp trajectories cut through here disrupting librarians


  2. multiplemichael

    the doctor was wrestling with touching the female language
    he wanted to ask permission before maneuvering
    yes there were neck kisses
    his lips had touched the alphabet
    the secret tunnel
    it was going to be a slippery struggle1


  3. eatmorewords

    The language manipulated
    and pedestrians ordered dic-
    tionaries to understand the
    clinical vowels

    dot to dot treasure maps
    associations with bone, gristle
    parts described in sex papers


  4. multiplemichael

    it was no secret that the woman at the library was no woman
    wearing the skin but free of the misery
    revisions and not the religious tv frauds
    big dots hang below the treasure
    irregular medicine and they sleep


  5. eatmorewords

    …and they sleep the sleep of
    sleeping children
    cut off, severed
    from tainted
    memories smelling of medicinal
    observed by bones in white coats
    feverish erections scan
    tick sheets


  6. multiplemichael

    medicinal drowsiness
    now you are talking party
    lethargic on the bed
    it is behind night
    red with casper ghost lube
    do your worst
    all poetry comes through pain
    rupture words that cannot be said
    articulate ammunition bang bang
    resist premature interpretation


  7. multiplemichael

    just got an email from the library
    i may face the rasp of a librarian’s tongue
    anesthetizing the staff is frowned upon
    seems they find the root-stock of making poetry distasteful
    what’s a little medicinal drowsiness for the sake of art ?
    i didn’t dig the secret tunnel
    my hands were dirt free
    whatever brown washed off
    i am innocent


  8. eatmorewords

    the library are handing out fines
    for over due ideas and encouraging all DNA to return through the doors

    it is now a museum
    the secret tunnel a tourist trap
    hatchet faced bee-hive librarian now hawking cheap tchotchke

    and children of the future look at books online and all they see is paper.


  9. multiplemichael

    rumor is that the librarian has a vaginal gymnasium
    one can make gluttural sounds if one places the back of the tongue against the soft ceiling
    one may have to turn off common sense
    the front part of the hindquarters
    a basketball hoop
    dawdle there


  10. multiplemichael

    in the near future people not directly involved with the library or the secret tunnel
    will be seen sitting in an establishment he will be an analyst she is a patient
    he gets paid to fool her into expressing her deepest feelings
    she has pockets full of resentment and frustration
    some are old and date back to childhood
    they are the cause of painful discomfort
    they serve many useful purposes
    underlying dynamics
    he could smell her on his fingers
    ingenious how she used the small circle
    to get an advantage over him


  11. multiplemichael

    the doctor thought of her as the girl unopened
    he wrote many things on his tablet:
    *calculated deception
    *guarded maneuvering
    *instinctive fear
    between them a great freud
    her womb like a jack-o-lantern
    softened and made gentle
    feminine rupture


  12. eatmorewords

    hours spent listing reasons for the vision they all claimed they saw – the tunnel – the bar codes grafted onto supple spines – a metallic taste as the doctor fingered texts nodding in her direction – she – she gazed up thinking of a cloud she saw as a child – the library contained a billion words but no answers
    closing time comes quick


  13. multiplemichael

    the library contains a billion words all questions and no answers
    they give poets purgatives when they need more
    sort-of-an-oral douching task
    are you a spectator ?
    jism for the juvenile section comes from india
    one hand answers the computer support line
    the other robs the pleasure tree


  14. multiplemichael

    ( you ) on the evening news folding your tent
    now that you’ve been nominated
    will it go to your head ?
    will the buffet of words try to cut costs ?
    try to remember the warmth of cigarettes kindled
    the days spent keeping the cemetery clean
    presexual snakes with their wide eyes
    it wasn’t just aborted sleep
    it was a way of life


  15. eatmorewords

    all awards are just tchotchkes – meaningless trinkets – write for the sake of the words – allow them out don’t cage them inside a head -muddled, a thousand ideas snagged in cobwebs amongst tiny corpse – the cemetery gig was life experience won in a competition I never remembered entering – we will all forget everything – I am just trying to capture it – butterflies in nets – dead elephants on the savannah


  16. multiplemichael

    today was saccharine day at the library
    coal-tar compound hallelujah
    people do that sort of thing with words
    bruised poets
    women with white brassieres
    hybrid languages
    idioms of the jungle
    anyway, they were asking when you would return


  17. multiplemichael

    what a wild day at the library
    bath salts and saccharine
    lots of perfect saccharine-themed gifts to be purchased
    one could buy bulk shellfish poop
    naughty crossword puzzles
    photographs of healthy beavers
    desideratum for the masses
    several people mentioned your name


  18. multiplemichael

    within the bounds of yesterday
    someone brought their paralyzed pooch
    a rather large dog that was very yielding
    compulsive touching warm silk
    development seemed possible
    seven large cups of coffee
    bath salts and saccharine
    a bad stain on the blanket


  19. eatmorewords

    dogs are not Gods – unless your dyslexic – and they shiver when they shit – shiver so hard it looks like there’s two of them –
    chosen to guard the gates of hell – promoted to guard the library steps

    covered in turpentine
    hidden under sheets from prying eyes

    the fines will mount up –
    the deficiet acknowledged


  20. multiplemichael

    the secret tunnel is a passage from potentiality
    it takes courage to be a real sinner
    one must crawl downhill till downhill goes no more
    how far can you stretch the umbilical cord ?
    darkened hammers pounding pud
    how can the poets sleep ?
    defenseless against masturbation
    narcissistic choke
    the crime of pull
    peppery jism flying
    they speak not
    the little seed


  21. eatmorewords

    the tunnel, a metaphor?
    a throat – deep – hanging tonsils useless
    a slide descending?
    Cosseted in womb cocoon – sloshing amniotic fluid drowning amongst the umbilical restriction of airways
    are more tunnels

    You can survive birth but you won’t survive life


  22. multiplemichael

    she spent three hours trying to think of a metaphor for metaphor
    an indoor swimming pool for her white underparts
    luminous opium poppy
    fractured narrative religion
    death with no escape
    the devil’s big toe
    gotta go where there is scenery
    subterranean library
    athletic and angry
    fashioned poetry
    push it out of bed


  23. multiplemichael

    the library needed to purchase a book so they had a $5 mouth shark day
    snippets of conversation were placed in the panty waistband of said librarian
    for $5 one could orally remove a tidbit
    wow, talk about the bouquet
    “go for the atlas”


  24. eatmorewords

    Go for the atlas they yelled like an audience on a gameshow – explore the cities that are lost under the staples –
    explore the curves of geography – dip your toes in the water – bathing sharks show teeth sharp –

    and when she got home the librarian removed the snippets of conversation from her waistband –

    she laid them end to end to construct her resignation letter


  25. multiplemichael

    her resignation letter was more like a novel
    over the years there were constantly new reasons to leave that honky book repository
    the fact that there were only 17 books and a box of reader’s digest
    that her co-worker constantly wrote letters to penthouse magazine
    words heavy on the ointment


  26. eatmorewords

    ointment words crafted to skin mags she never read and
    books – books she touch with the moist tip of her tongue

    books despoitories reminded her of Lee Harvey O – sunny days – green grass slow
    moving cars – a brain and seconds later – mush – sprayed on virgin white dress –

    resignation moments mere fleeting chimeras

    she thought of history
    of the library
    of microfiche
    dead presidents cold beds and days after tomorrow


  27. multiplemichael

    she had a wallet full of dead presidents
    sometimes when the static got too bad
    she would cut the chalk-white flesh of her chest
    papercuts took her mind off her problems
    her chest looked like a road map of ohio


  28. multiplemichael

    she had that “iggy pop” kind of souvenir chest going on
    ritualized self-destruction
    self-pity cigarettes
    a venti starbuck
    a little suicide
    in a bathroom in complete privacy
    the blade inside a rhyming dictionary


  29. eatmorewords

    a souvenir chest, not buried by pirates – contains no riches, just organs, beating bloody
    – a GG Allin size ball of loathing – saw her on the perimeter looking down into a Wile E Coyote dust cloud
    – she used her date of birth as grid references – found that place on a map
    circled it like with black marker pen
    like the areola circles erect nipples
    – days spent staring at black rings


  30. multiplemichael

    she knew jesus didn’t need a satellite to locate her
    as a little girl she loved to wade in the shallow creek behind her house
    the birds would sing and dragonflies would dart about
    it was pure bliss
    then one day the stagnant pond inside her burst forth
    it was a hell of a bloody day
    but that was a long long time ago
    many avenues have been explored
    as of late that damn library


  31. eatmorewords

    musty smells of yesterday
    years ago
    bleeding gums no connection with a higher power
    her thoughts were just frayed ends
    night time horrors drifting thoughts of antiquated filling systems

    a tunnel
    a dim light
    the end in sight


  32. multiplemichael

    how could she forget the first time a catheter was introduced into her urethra ?
    no one on the schoolbus knew what a female urethra was all about
    she knew it hurt far worse than a cheeseball out the bum
    a tad too personal…….what could be more personal ?
    you get to see the lips and the button
    in color
    like going to mexico with a million dollars


  33. eatmorewords

    drugged memories of catheter insertion,
    some thing medicinal?
    faint recall of beeping hospital monitors an aroma of bleach rubber shoes squeak on shiny floors
    nothing is to personal evertything is stored
    her signature
    proof of agreement
    of acceptance

    spitballs spat still stick


  34. multiplemichael

    she wasn’t a religious nut but she did think a time would come for the MARK
    right before you get the MARK they ask you one simple question
    “do you love honey boo boo ?”
    she thought that was damn easy….who wouldn’t love that dear sweet child ?
    the clock is ticking
    at midnight she will turn into her mother


  35. multiplemichael

    disproporionate sensitivity
    dolly arm dolly arm
    but not an index finger
    pleasures of the unexpected
    a quick hand on the way back from the game
    selective amnesia
    the day you turned into your mother
    love was little more than an irritant
    love was to become a lifelong scab


  36. multiplemichael

    you can purchase photographs of spit-balls
    any resemblances to spit-balls from your doing is purely accidental
    was there a parable about spit-balls ?
    Freud was interested in psychic spit-balls
    please don’t stare at my skeleton


  37. multiplemichael

    life being a current going nowhere
    verbal diarrhea shot from muscle-bound holes
    parasitic readers with nothing to say
    they call late at night begging
    mister mike, will you glue a tight seal ?


  38. eatmorewords

    the radio voices begging from the cold hinterland of static and loneliness – AM PM differentials dependent of grid reference – a box of talking voices fill up voids – mainly nocturnal
    amongst the stars with strangers – long time listener
    first time caller

    lurking in the corners
    at the edges

    mike and his unquenchable thirst
    dams the well only to blow it up


  39. multiplemichael

    *curdled jism
    *snap-on bow ties
    *virility without possibility
    *geography without motion
    *sideshows with near-nude women
    women with their underpants on fire
    Old Testament Girls ?


  40. eatmorewords

    blood to the surface
    humiliation is red
    – shoes with no laces
    – stain on shirt the frayed cuff
    – x-rays with no skeletons

    the sketches of her are fading
    she is becoming a ghost

    I must find her birth certificate
    I must return the books


  41. multiplemichael

    my favorite line from the Curie Diary:
    the epode should follow the strophe and antistrophe
    government agents sit up all night trying to crack the code
    their instruments are very sensitive
    unmindful and untainted but sensitive
    how do you do math with pronouns ?
    when it comes to the French doing math
    please do not mention their chastity girdle


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